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Fight The Bite Contest

Fight the Bite Campaign 2025 Contest Entry Form

Fight the Bite Campaign 2025 Contest Entry Form (Spanish)

2024 Winners

Raleigh, NC. - For the sixth year, Governor Roy Cooper proclaimed April 2024 as Tick and Mosquito Awareness Month. As part of Tick and Mosquito Awareness month, the North Carolina Division of Public Health, Communicable Disease Branch held the “Fight the Bite” Contest for students grades K-12. To promote the importance of vector-borne disease prevention, the contest encourages students to use artwork to promote the Fight the Bite theme, inspiring all North Carolinians to prevent vector borne disease. “We are highly impressed by the artistic abilities of students in North Carolina. We were equally impressed that all entries reflected how much students in North Carolina know about protecting themselves, their families, and communities” said Dr. Alexis M. Barbarin, North Carolina Public Health Entomologist. Students were divided into three grade categories: K-5, 6-8, and 9-12th Grades. Entries were voted on by entomologists and other members of the public health community. Students were graded on originality, creativity, and their public health message of vector borne disease prevention. There were 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place awards for students in all three grading categories. Artwork will be reprinted as requested for display in schools, local health departments, and other government buildings to encourage vector-borne disease prevention. We also encourage readers to print and post winning entries to promote a vector-borne disease free North Carolina!


Winners: K-5th Grade

1st Place: Kaila Okiya, 4th Grade, River Park Elementary

Fight the Bite Contest Winners Artwork


2nd Place: Alice Bergland, 4th Grade, River Park Elementary

Fight the Bite Contest Winners Artwork


3rd Place: William Gregosky, Kindergarten, Lynn Road Elementary

Fight the Bite Contest Winners Artwork


Winners: 6th-8th Grade

1st Place: Antoinette M. Wilkins, 8th Grade, Oak Road Middle School

Fight the Bite Contest Winners Artwork


2nd Place: Alisha Graham, 8th Grade, A.L. Stanback Middle School

Fight the Bite Contest Winners Artwork


3rd Place: Lauren Renck, 8th Grade, Red Oak Middle School

Fight the Bite Contest Winners Artwork


Winners: 9th-12th Grade

1st Place: Joselyn Moreno, 11th Grade, North Iredell High School

Fight the Bite Contest Winners Artwork


2nd Place: Maryanna Marshall, 12th Grade, North Iredell High School

Fight the Bite Contest Winners Artwork


3rd Place: Kelsie Fischer, 11th Grade, North Iredell High School

Fight the Bite Contest Winners Artwork