For Local Health Departments
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Disease Manuals & Guides
DHHS manuals:
Other N.C.-specific references:
Other professional resources:
- Antibiotic resistance:
- Arboviruses
- Community-associated MRSA:
- E. coli
- Enteric Illnesses, public health management of
- Hand, foot and mouth disease:
- Healthcare-Associated Infections
- Hepatitis:
- Influenza:
- Injection practices:
- Lyme disease
- Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
- Norovirus:
- Rabies:
- N.C. Rabies Control Manual - North Carolina-specific guidance and information for local health departments, healthcare providers, veterinarians, certified rabies vaccinators, animal control and other professionals involved in rabies control and prevention. Includes N.C. laws and rules, risk assessment algorithms, human PEP recommendations and standing order templates, animal vaccination requirements, and animal management protocols.
- STDs/STIs:
- Tick-borne illnesses
- Tuberculosis:
- Vaccine-Preventable Diseases:
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- Communicable Disease Field Services – The unit within the Communicable Disease Branch which assists local health departments in disease intervention and partner notification.
- Communicable Disease Nurse Consultants (PDF, 33KB)- Regional Medical Consultation Unit staff supporting LHD Communicable Disease Nurses across the state.
- Communicable Disease Training
- Epi Notes - Quarterly newsletter for epidemiology issues relevant to North Carolina public health practitioners and other interested people. The current distribution list includes all N.C. local health directors, selected state agencies and a number of healthcare providers in local hospitals and medical offices.
- Hospital-Based Public Health Epidemiologists (PHEs) - Based in North Carolina's largest hospital systems, these PHEs aid communication between hospitals and local public health, communicable disease reporting, and communicable disease investigations.
- Medical Consultation Unit – The unit within the Communicable Disease Branch that provides medical consultation to local health department nurses and other persons working to limit the spread of communicable diseases in the community. This unit includes the Communicable Disease Nurse Consultants and the Technical Assistance and Training Program (TATP).
- N.C. DPH resources for local health departments – Information about accreditation, aid to counties, contacts, Public Health Training and Information Network (PHTIN), clinic program forms and codes, dispensing of drugs by public health nurses, records retention, Health Information System (HIS), HIPAA, purchase of medical care services (POMCS), problem-oriented health record (POHR) forms, program area information, statistical analysis support.
- NC EDSS User Guides
- State Laboratory of Public Health
- Statistical Services - The State Center for Health Statistics (SCHS) compiles and analyzes N.C. health data for research and the development of policies, programs and services. The Health Services Analysis Team (HSAT) is available to aid N.C. public health agencies with statistical studies and analysis.
- Tuberculosis Nurse Consultants (PDF, 69KB)- Regional DPH staff supporting LHD TB Nurses across the state.
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DHHS Forms
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Tools & Websites
- CDC widgets and gadgets

- DHHS posters and brochures - Promote handwashing, good health manners, and "Keep Illness from Spreading" in English and Spanish:
- Good Health Manners factsheet - English (PDF, 10KB)
- Good Health Manners factsheet - Spanish (Modales de buena salud - hoja informativa) (PDF, 10KB)
- "Keep illness from spreading" poster - English (black and white PDF, 295KB / color PDF, 304KB)
- "Keep illness from spreading" poster - Spanish (Evite la propagación de las enfermedades) (black and white PDF, 313KB / color PDF, 283KB)
- "Keep illness from spreading" bookmark (black and white PDF, 277KB / color PDF, 285KB)
- Washing Your Hands poster (English) (PDF, 772KB)
- Washing Your Hands poster (Spanish) (PDF, 772KB)
- Injection Safety
- Sample policies and procedures
- STD program assessment tools
- NCEDSS Login

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