For Healthcare Providers
Alerts & Hot Topics
When a potential multi-state outbreak of food-borne, water-borne, or other enteric (intestinal) illness is detected, CDC serves as lead coordinator between federal, state and local public health partners to monitor the outbreak, define its size and extent, identify the source and ensure rapid response. Updates on multi-state investigations, including those of which North Carolina is a part, are available on the CDC website
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Disease Manuals & Guides
Find information on specific diseases alphabetically by disease name or method of transmission (i.e., food, water, mosquitoes, etc.) in the Communicable Diseases & Topics A-Z Index.
Additional info especially for Healthcare Professionals:
- N.C. Communicable Disease Laws & Rules - A summary of North Carolina's general statutes and administrative rules concerning communicable disease control. The list of diseases reportable in North Carolina and the reporting responsibilities and protocols are outlined in N.C. Administrative Code: Title 10A - Health and Human Services, Chapter 41 - Epidemiology Health

- NC DHHS: Communicable Disease Manual - For diseases reportable in North Carolina: case definitions, health department investigation steps, and disease reporting forms.
- NC DHHS: Electronic health record (EHR) promoting interoperability/meaningful use requirements - State and federal requirements for HITECH electronic laboratory reporting and syndromic surveillance objectives.
- NC DHHS: Hepatitis B Public Health Program Manual
- NC DHHS: Immunization Program Info for Providers - State immunization requirements, provider education and resources, and Vaccine-Preventable Disease Surveillance Manuals.
- NC DHHS: Promoting Interoperability of Electronic Health Records - State and federal requirements for HITECH electronic laboratory reporting and syndromic surveillance objectives.
- NC DHHS: Rabies Control Manual - North Carolina-specific guidance and information for local health departments, healthcare providers, veterinarians, certified rabies vaccinators, animal control and other professionals involved in rabies control and prevention. Includes N.C. laws and rules, risk assessment algorithms, human PEP recommendations and standing order templates, animal vaccination requirements, and animal management protocols.
- NC DHHS: STD Public Health Program Manual - Clinical guidelines for patient evaluation, diagnosis and treament for sexually transmitted diseases.
- NC DHHS: Tuberculosis Control Policy Manual - Includes protocols for specimen collection and quarantine.
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Support Services
- Find your local health department
– The first line of contact regarding communicable disease in your community. Contact them to find out what educational programs, clinical services and community-based support organizations are available near you.
- Find N.C. Animal and Rabies Control Agencies

- Hospital-based public health epidemiologist (PHE) program - The hospital based epidemiologists work closely with clinicians, hospitals, and the public health system on surveillance and response to disease outbreaks, public health emergencies and community health issues. PHEs are based in the large hospital systems in North Carolina.
- NC DHHS: DHHS Overview for Healthcare Providers

- Resources for Healthcare Providers with Spanish-Speaking Patients
- The North Carolina AHEC Spanish Language and Cultural Training Initiative is a statewide collaborative effort to promote increased Spanish fluency and related cultural competencies among North Carolina health professionals.
- NC DHHS: Epi Notes - A quarterly newsletter on important epidemiology issues relevant to North Carolina public health practitioners and other interested people. The current distribution list includes all N.C. local health directors, selected state agencies and a number of healthcare providers in local hospitals and medical offices.
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- NC DHHS: Form 2124 (PDF) - Physicians and healthcare providers may use this form to notify the local health department of reportable communicable disease cases. Learn more about disease surveillance and reporting.
- Rabies:
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Tools & Websites
- NC DHHS: Injection Safety
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
– Part of U.S. HHS, CDC is the nation's premier health agency, working to protect health and promote quality of life through the prevention and control of disease, injury and disability. The CDC website is a rich source of authoritative health, disease and treatment information.
- FDA: Bad Bug Book
– Provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins, bringing together in one place information from the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service, and the National Institutes of Health.
- Health Services and Resources Administration (HRSA)
, U.S. HHS - The primary federal agency for improving access to health care services for people who are uninsured, isolated or medically vulnerable. HRSA provides leadership and financial support to health care providers in every state and U.S. territory.
- Mayo Clinic: For Medical Professionals
– Information, online services, Grand Rounds, patient care information, publications, continuing medical education, research and Mayo Medical Laboratories services.
- MedLine Plus
, National Institutes of Health and U.S. National Library of Medicine - NIH's website for patients and their families and friends.
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
– Part of U.S. HHS, NIH is the nation's medical research agency, dedicated to making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.
- PubMed Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine
- Reviews of clinical effectiveness research, with full technical reports as well as easy-to-read summaries for consumers.
- U.S. National Library of Medicine
- The world's largest medical library, NLM is part of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (US HHS)
- the U.S. government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.
- WebMD
– Internet-based, timely health information on a variety of topics.
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