Industrial Hygiene Consultation
Pesticide-Related Illness/Injury Surveillance
Public Health Preparedness & Response
Health Indicators Project
The Occupational Health Indicators (OHIs) represent a core set of data collected at the state level that are used to monitor the health of the North Carolina workforce. This project was designed through a joint effort between the national Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to enhance occupational health data collection systems and capacity.
As of 2019, there are 24 Occupational Health Indicators, selected by public health importance and the availability of easily obtainable data in most states. The indicators include measures of illness and injury, exposure, hazards, interventions and cost. Gathering information in this format allows states to uniformly define, collect, and report work-related illness, injury and risk data. North Carolina is using the indicators to track trends in the occupational health status of the working population, and to target for more in-depth analysis those conditions most affecting our workers. The data ultimately provide a road map for improving worker safety.
North Carolina has participated in the Occupational Health Indicators Project since it piloted in
2000. To learn more about the project and see national OHIP data for 2000 through 2016, visit
the CSTE Occupational
Health Indicators program page. State-level data is available on our OEE Facts and Figures page under "Occupational