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GYT: Get Yourself Tested is a campaign encouraging young people to get tested and treated for STIs and HIV to protect their health and that of their partners. STIs affect people of all ages, yet these diseases take a particularly heavy toll on young people.
The GYT campaign highlights the idea that preventing, testing for, and treating STIs is very straightforward. The campaign offers streamlined materials to help focus efforts on STI awareness, prevention, testing, and treatment among young people.
False assumptions about sexually transmitted infections, or STIs – how they’re spread, prevented, and treated – are everywhere, and it can be especially hard for people to get the facts. Making sure that you have the correct information about STD prevention and testing has never been more important.
Did you know?
You also should know that all STIs, even HIV, are treatable, and most are curable. The sooner you get tested, the sooner you can take action to protect your health and the health of your partner(s).
Some STIs can lead to serious health problems if they’re not treated. For example, an untreated STI, like chlamydia, can make it difficult or impossible for a woman to get pregnant. An untreated STI can also increase the chances of transmitting or getting HIV.
If you are sexually active, getting tested for sexually transmitted infections, or STIs is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health! Have an open and honest conversation with your healthcare provider about your sexual history and STI testing. This will help them understand what STI tests you may need.
Studies have shown that many teens don’t talk to their healthcare providers about issues of sex and sexuality during their annual health visits, sometimes because they are afraid their parents might find out. If you don’t feel comfortable talking with your regular healthcare provider about STIs, visit one of the many clinics that provide confidential testing that is free or low cost. For ways to prepare for your doctor’s visit, check out this guide.
You may be at risk for STIs if you can answer yes to any of these questions:
In addition to traditional, in-person visits, other options that may be available include:
Testing positive for an STI is not the end. Many STIs are curable and all are treatable.
If you or your partner has an STI that can be cured, both of you need to start treatment immediately to avoid getting re-infected. Getting treated right away also can help avoid health problems down the road.
A forgotten prescription from your healthcare provider won’t help – make sure to get it filled and take your medication as prescribed. That also means you shouldn’t share your prescription with your partner.
Get retested! It’s common to get some STIs more than once, especially chlamydia and gonorrhea. You should be retested in 3 months even if you and your partner took medicine.
These social media messages for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram can help amplify STI prevention messages during STI Awareness Week. Select messages that align with your audiences and goals. Additional suggestions to keep in mind:
Day 1: Spread Awareness about STI Awareness Week and GYT Campaign
STI Awareness Week is here! Join the conversation with #STIweek to get involved and learn how you can take action to help overcome the rise of #STIs in the U.S. https://bit.ly/3MqXnnk #GYT
STI Awareness Week is here! Join the conversation with #STIweek to get involved and learn how you can take action to help overcome the rise of #STIs in the U.S. https://bit.ly/3MqXnnk #GYT
Day 2: Know the facts – Debunk Myths and False Information about STI Prevention and Testing
DYK? All STIs can be treated & some can be cured. Know the facts: https://bit.ly/30ghrma #GYT #STIweek
¿Sabías? Todas las #ITS se pueden tratar y algunas se pueden curar. ¡Infórmate! https://bit.ly/30ghrma #GYT #STIweek
Many #STIs have no symptoms. The only way you can be sure of your status is to Get Yourself Tested. https://bit.ly/2phr5lI #GYT #STIweek
¿Sabías? Muchas #ITS no causan síntomas. Protege tu #salud. Hazte la prueba. https://bit.ly/3YHvddJ #GYT #STIweek
Day 3: How to GYT – Provide Tips on How to Prepare for Provider Visits and What to Expect
Did you know? Anyone having sex can get an STI. This STI Awareness Week, know your STI care options and Get Yourself Tested! https://bit.ly/2PGBY0L #GYT #STIweek
Hazte pruebas de #ITS y el #VIH con tu pareja sexual. ¡Muéstrense respeto! https://bit.ly/3YHvddJ #GYT #STIweek
Young people, ages 15-24, accounted for almost ½ of all new #STI infections in 2018. This #STIweek, find out how STI testing can protect you and your partner. https://bit.ly/2PGBY0L #GYT
Young people, ages 15-24, accounted for almost ½ of all new #STI infections in 2018. This #STIweek, find out how STI testing can protect you and your partner. https://bit.ly/2PGBY0L #GYT
LA MITAD de los casos nuevos de #ITS corresponden a personas menores de 25 años. No juegues con tu salud, hazte la prueba de ITS: https://bit.ly/3YHvddJ #GYT #STIweek
Day 4: Share Local STI Testing Information
These messages can be customized with specific STI care information that your organization is offering. Some services to promote include video or phone appointments, express visits, pharmacies or retail health clinics for testing and treatment, and at-home collection kits.
DYK? In 2020, over half (53%) of reported cases of STIs were among adolescents and young adults aged 15-24 years. [Organization] is offering testing at [testing strategy, dates, location]. #GYT for #STIweek! [Contact information/organization URL]
Day 5: Promote STD Surveillance Report Numbers
2022 surveillance data underscores that STIs must be a public health priority. More than 2.5 million STI cases were reported in the U.S., with syphilis emerging as a unique public health challenge. Sexually Transmitted Infections Surveillance #STIreport #STIweek
In [insert year], [organization’s state/county/city] had [number] cases of #chlamydia, #gonorrhea, and #syphilis. For #STIweek, know your testing options and #GYT. [Organization] is offering [testing strategy, dates, location]. [Contact information/organization URL].
More than 3,700 babies were born with syphilis in 2022, which was more than 10 times the number in 2012. The increase in newborn syphilis follows rising syphilis cases among women of reproductive age. Learn more about this 100% preventable infection: Sexually Transmitted Infections Surveillance #STIreport
Content Source: CDC: STD Awareness Week
Content Source: GYT: Get Yourself Tested (cdc.gov)
Content Source: Campaign Materials - #GYT (cdc.gov)