Epidemiology: Occupational and Environmental

Summer Heat Emergency Data and Prevention Tips

 Heat Health Alert System - Sign up here!

The Heat Health Alert System is a system the NC Climate and Health team uses to send out heat alerts via email, when the forecast is projected to reach unhealthy levels. You can sign up for heat health alerts and find additional information below. 

Sign up for the heat health alert system here:

Frequently Asked Questions about the Heat Health Alert System:

Learn about heat index thresholds for the Heat Health Alert System: Current Heat Index Thresholds

Sample Messages

The sample messages and graphics below can be used to share heat alerts and heat safety tips with your loved ones, community, or organization. Follow the guidelines below for message compatibility across communication platforms. Click on the graphics in the left column to download.

Written samples below are compatible with X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, email, etc.

Sample Post

The heat index is going to reach unhealthy levels this week. Remember to protect yourself! Stay cool and drink plenty of water. For more information, visit https://epi.dph.ncdhhs.gov/oee/climate/heat.html

Sample Post

El índice de calor alcanzará niveles peligrosos para la salud esta semana. ¡Acuérdate de protegerte! Mantente fresco y bebe mucha agua. Para más información visita la página: https://epi.dph.ncdhhs.gov/oee/climate/heat.html

Sample Post

The heat index is going to reach unhealthy levels this week. Drink lots of water, take frequent breaks and avoid outdoor activity from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, visit https://epi.dph.ncdhhs.gov/oee/climate/heat.html

Sample Post

El índice de calor alcanzará niveles peligrosos para la salud esta semana. Bebe mucha agua, toma descansos frecuentes y evita la actividad al aire libre entre las 11 am y 4 pm. Para más información visita la página: https://epi.dph.ncdhhs.gov/oee/climate/heat.html

Sample Post

The heat index is dangerously high this week. Know the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness and call 911 if there is an emergency. For more information, Click here.

Sample Post

El índice de calor es peligrosamente alto esta semana. Conoce los signos y síntomas de las enfermedades relacionadas con el calor y llama al 911 en caso de emergencia. Para más información visita la página

Written messages below are compatible with Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, email, etc.

Sample Post

The heat index is going to reach unhealthy levels this week. Be sure to check on your loved ones and neighbors, especially people over the age of 65, pregnant, have underlying health conditions, have a disability, live alone or don’t have air-conditioning.

  • Help them find a cool place like a library, church or another neighbor’s home
  • Encourage them to drink plenty of water
  • Know the signs of heat-related illness and call 911 if there is an emergency

Sample Post

El índice de calor alcanzará niveles peligrosos para la salud esta semana. Asegúrate de vigilar a tus seres queridos y vecinos, sobre todo a las personas mayores, las que viven solas o las que no tienen aire acondicionado.

  • Ayúdales a encontrar un lugar fresco, como una biblioteca, una iglesia o la casa de otro vecino
  • Anímalos a beber mucha agua.

Conoce los síntomas de las enfermedades relacionadas con el calor y llama al 911 en caso de emergencia.

Sample Post

The heat index is going to be dangerously high this week and it won’t cool down much at night. Warm nighttime temperatures can increase your risk of heat illness because your body can’t recover from the day’s heat. If you don’t have air conditioning, use ice packs or frozen water bottles to help you cool off overnight and drink plenty of water throughout the day, even before you start to feel thirsty. For more information, click here

Sample Post

El índice de calor será peligrosamente alto esta semana y no refrescará mucho por la noche. Las altas temperaturas durante la noche pueden aumentar el riesgo de enfermedades relacionadas con el calor, ya que el cuerpo no puede recuperarse del calor del día. Si no tienes aire acondicionado, utiliza bolsas de hielo o botellas de agua congelada para refrescarte durante la noche y bebe mucha agua a lo largo del día, incluso antes de empezar a tener sed. Para más información visita la página

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  • Increase fluid intake
  • Spend some time in cool or air-conditioned environment
  • Reduce normal activity levels
  • If you take medicines that can impede heat loss, speak with your physician before summer about how to stay safe (i.e. high blood pressure drugs, migraine drugs, allergy drugs, muscle spasm drugs, mental illness drugs, tranquilizers)

Many poor air quality days occur on hot days. Learn about the Air Quality Forecast System and how to protect your health. Get free air quality forecasts from Enviroflash.

Last Modified: October 08, 2024